Friday 2 March 2012

Latvia: Stock Exchange Listings and How To Raise Capital For Your Firm Through Sophisticated Investors!

Stock Exchange Listings and How To Raise Capital For Your Firm Through Sophisticated Investors!

More than ever before in the history of financial markets a company requires to have transparency, substance, and liquidity. A proper Go Public strategy or money raising process requires building share value to the investor.

The “real economy” is based on logical revenue producing firms, stable businesses and good investments for the common individual. These firms are attractive for Bond offerings to institutional investors and equity offerings to sophisticated investors.

Most people cannot participate in this real economy as they are not qualified, sophisticated, and accredited investors. A perfect example is IPOs such as Facebook, which is offered to a very high-caliber level of investor and not the general public for the most part until post listing. The highest gains for most investors are in IPOs as statistically proven time and time again.

For businesses a major problem for the companies is they are unable to solicit individuals that are not certified as a class of investor that can be contacted for investment opportunities.

One of the solutions for businesses looking for qualified and sophisticated investors is and which actively qualifies over 1,000 investors per week adding them to the largest database of sophisticated investors available.

As a firm, your employees have the capacity to contact interested sophisticated investors who have asked to be contacted. To quantify the importance of a database of this kind, 100-150 sophisticated investors who took part in a listing would equal over 18 million euro in capital raised over 6 months.

In addition, companies that are interested in becoming listed in the UK and taking advantage of the sophisticated investor directive, we can take your firm public on an active UK sophisticated investor stock market as a listed firm and you can utilize an active supply of investors to raise capital. Either through public listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Berlin Stock Exchange, Danish GXG UK markets, or Plus Markets, your firm could raise the capital required and successfully IPO or list.

Contact today to inquire how you can take advantage of foreign sophisticated investors for your firm today. Whether you are a Canadian firm, Australian firm, US firm, Spanish Firm, or African firm, going public in Europe is the best opportunity for you to gain investment. You may even already be listed on a Stock Exchange, and could still qualify for our program. Please contact us today to see if we can help you.

In addition to sophisticated and qualified investors, we will endeavor to qualify your firm to create bonds and place these bonds with institutional investors. Contact us today for more information.


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