Thursday 29 December 2011

FSE Listings Latvia: Frankfurt Listings - UK Listed FSE Listings for Sale

Frankfurt Listings- UK Listed FSE Listings For Sale

We have two newly Frankfurt listed UK shell firms for sale, these companies are in Mining and Sports. We can organize a change of name and transfer of shares within a 24-48 hour period. Your firm can immediately go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and utilize either an equity line of credit through our equity partners, such as Deutsche Capital Partners or issue up to 5 million euro in Bonds.

Our listed Frankfurt Stock Exchange shell is a UK company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange within December 2011.

The company was incorporated within the UK as a Frankfurt Shell Company for the purpose of a Frankfurt Listing using FSE Listings Inc.

The registered office has already been established within London, the company registration number, the ISIN, Symbol, and Corporate Secretary.

FSE Listings Inc is the leading provider of Frankfurt Shells for sale including UK FSE Listings, Canada Frankfurt Listings, Australia Frankfurt Listings, South Africa Frankfurt Listings, Spain Frankfurt Listings, the United States Frankfurt Listings, and China Frankfurt Listings.

All new Frankfurt shells for sale meet the new rules implemented by the Frankfurt Exchange.

  • Fully Capitalized with the € 500,000 requirement;
  • €0.10 euro nominal value of shares;
  • Fully certified by UK Chartered Accounting firm;
  • 5,500,000 share capital
  • Qualified companies
  • Capital introductions
  • No Prospectus required – Prospectus can be developed or IM based on your equity story goals

List your company or buy a shell and be public immediately on the Frankfurt Exchange using Your premier FSE Listing Partner.

As the leading Frankfurt Shells provider, we have Frankfurt Shells waiting for your project now! FSE Listings is the fastest way to go to get your company public and raising capital. In addition, we provide

third party valuation, prospectus documents, IMs, AA Rated Bond Financing, equity story strategies, share vision and share increase programs, investor relations and public relations for our clients.

Raise capital immediately for your firm (within 20 days of purchasing the company) with our bond program, and enjoy the liquidity and share trading available on the Frankfurt Boerse exchange (borse) the World’s largest Equity Markets since the acquisition of the NYSE and merger, trading 85% of Germany’s total listed securities in the most healthy market in Europe.

About FSE Listings – Your Premier Frankfurt Listings Partner is the leading premier specialist on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, FSE Listings is a consulting firm with a registered FSA Broker Dealer partnership, a German Market Maker listing partnership, a Bond insurance and securitization partnership, and a network of over 100 billion USD in sophisticated investors and institutional partners. Our available capital partnerships and market

partnerships and volume of listings give your firm the best chance of success with a public company listing and IPO!

Why FSE Listings?

FSE Listings Inc has a primary focus on taking companies public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Our partnership with an FSA registered broker dealer, German Bank, and market maker has positioned our firms and clients to easily list, get financing, and create long term value and partnerships with their firm. As a global financing firm with over 20 years of listing experience since the early 1990’s on the NASDAQ, our company is part of the network of, the leading OTCBB listing firm, ASX Listings for Australian Listings, and TSX Listings for the Toronto Stock Exchange. Our company has over 50 employees worldwide, and is actively recruiting investment bankers, accountants, lawyers, brokers, and business consultants.

Our firm is known to be the most professional, the most honest, and the fastest firm for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, OTCBB, TSX, and ASX. Over the last 15 years of listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, we have assisted over 2000 companies to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange!

Contact us at or FSE Listings

A UK listed company is a premium listing, the UK is renowned for the quality of business and acumen, and attracts sophisticated investors within the UK and Europe. There are many reasons why a UK listed firm is better than Canadian, Australian, South African, etc. The ideal purchase of a UK firm is for a holding company of your firm to list onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange through.

Since we built the firm, we know the structure and are confident in supplying this company for sale through our registered broker dealer partner. The Company is 110k euro.


Industry Classification: Public Shell Companies, Frankfurt Listings, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, FSE Listings, Merger Law, FSE, Capital, Bonds, Law, Germany, Stock Exchange, Shell for sale.


Wednesday 7 December 2011

FSE Listings: Why the European Crisis is the opportunity for Latvia to raise money in Europe with Frankfurt Listings and Bonds

Why the European Crisis is the opportunity for Latvia to raise money in Europe with Frankfurt Listings and Bonds

The current tension about the possibility of downgrading various country ratings with the S&P is driving institutional investors to purchase bonds and invest in Companies who are at par or less risk than Countries themselves!

Institutional investors generally take positions in no less than 50 million euro packages into Countries and Companies globally in the trillions of euros invested annually. The crisis has leveled the playing field putting companies and countries at a level playing field within the AA rated and AAA rated categories. It is important, because many firms and listing agencies claim to build bonds, but our partners develop AA rated Bonds! The rating is the key with competing.

As a Country outside of Europe, you also get the benefit of the institutions leveraging emerging markets and or opportunties outside of their own predicament.

How can small businesses take advantage of the Crisis with Listings?

FSE Listings Inc lists companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and then utilizing your public company listing packages together 50 million euro of AA rated bonds to finance the company. The package is often sold within 20-30 days of listing and bonding the company.

A minimum of 2.5 million euro per company and maximum of 5 million euro. (There are special instruments and compartments within the funds that can qualify for 50 million euro or more.)

Now you as a company can access and compete with Countries and gain institutional investment. As the stock markets in the world try to stabilize, a prospectus and listing with a Frankfurt Listing company is often not enough surety to get investment. Bonds are in demand for the institutions, and the rating of a cash flow positive company with assets is stronger than a poorly run Country who is leveraged. The institutions are making the smart choice, and switching from investing in the red and going into the Companies themselves. This could be one of the most explosive trends for raising capital and building businesses in a decade! With the regulation of Hedge Funds and downgrading of Countries, investment dollars are looking for a secure return.

The only firm in the world that offers the Frankfurt Listing combined with AA Rated Bond issuances is FSE Listings Inc and IFXBG. (International Financial Exchange and Banking Group)

Don’t fall for the prospectus pushers who raise no money for your firm, or equity-lines that are based on market volume, get financed based on value with the best securities tool to access institutional investors!

How do you start?

Contact FSE Listings today to see if you qualify!

AA Rating is the new Black says Bloomberg, there may never be AAA ratings - it's time for you to take advantage of the trend while it exists!

Thursday 24 November 2011

For Immediate Release Latvia: FSEListings & ShareVision work with all types of investors, from our Private Equity and Bond Issues (over us$100 billion) to public offerings. Enhanced sustainable share value naturally attracts funding.

FSEListings & ShareVision work with all types of investors, from our Private Equity and Bond Issues (over us$100 billion) to public offerings. Enhanced sustainable share value naturally attracts funding.

 Each type of investor brings different advantages, for example:

  • Corporate Bond investors take no control of your firm, interest and coupon payments are tax deductible, profits to existing shareholders are undiluted, and raising costs are low; all this provided that your company has sufficient and sustainable profits in order to repay these bond investors.

  • Private Equity investors provide the advantage for companies where profits are not yet sufficient nor sustainable to attract corporate bond investors. Private equity investors also provide a positive reference for public offerings, where such public investors follow the experience of previous equity investors, thereby increasing public equity investor demand and your company’s public share price.

The common theme, no matter what type of investor your company aims to attract, is that your company profits are sustainable, at a minimum desired level, for at least 5 years. Bond and Equity investors usually have a 5 year view, and they need to be reassured that the company can sustain its current and projected profits.

FSEListings, together with PrivateGrowth, provide the ShareVision report to companies looking at both improving their business profits, as well as attracting any type of investor.

The benefits are ShareVision are substantial and numerous, for example, the 21 comprehensive benefits below:

  1. ShareVision checks if a client’s earnings growth is sustainable in order to attract funds, and provides at least 10 ways to improve sustainable earnings and share value growth.

  2. ShareVision clients are 3 times more likely to attract funds, both faster and on better terms.

  3. ShareVision provides access to over us$100 billion in investor funds, including both equity and bond investor types, in order to raise the client’s profile and attract funding.

  4. ShareVision attracts bond investors, by justifying the benefits of additional loans, by assessing the optimal loan amount to leverage company performance and valuations (without destroying earnings sustainability, pricing competitiveness and company value). This is critical to use with FSE Listings bond services.

  5. ShareVision can assist insurance companies to underwrite and insure these bonds to potential investors. ShareVision gives all stakeholders (shareholders, investors, insurers, key staff, alliances etc...) sustainable confidence in the future of their company and their investments.

  6. ShareVision attracts private equity funds, by offering potential investors an independent assessment of company value and future earnings and share growth performance.

  7. ShareVision measures all core perspectives, including: paths to greater share values, stages of development, director and management performance flexibility, staff productivity, relative competitiveness, as well as the bottom line.

  8. ShareVision is the most complete and objective analysis available on the market, and the most reliable. ShareVision works for large public and private companies, as well as small to medium companies in any country, in any industry.

  9. ShareVision determines an internal share value (true worth, not distorted by various market perceptions), that is the sustainable core value of your company, being an internal confidence measure, that will either attract or dispel customers, investors, alliances, key talent and acquisitions. Your company’s share price follows this internal share value. ShareVision provides at least 10 methods to improve this internal attraction factor.

  10. ShareVision prioritises projects, acquisitions, strategies by greatest increase in sustainable earnings and share value growth; and thus both protects and enhances your company’s focus and share value.

  11. ShareVision provides insightful analysis and recommendations, that management are not aware of, including detailed resource efficiency trends, comparisons to competitors, highlighting hidden advantages and disadvantages.

  12. The ShareVision report gives comfort to stakeholders, and protects them from a confusing wide range of externally-produced share price buy/sell signals and market commentaries.

  13. ShareVision determines the surplus/deficit in Share Valuations of your Company, and its competitors, and methods to improve this.

  14. ShareVision highlights what general market professionals do not tell.

  15. ShareVision analyses the hidden earnings margin pressures that your competitors face, and the 2 commonly overlooked financial ratio that will improve your company's earnings margin and price competitiveness.

  16. ShareVision independently and confidentially assess the shareholder wealth created by existing corporate advisors, management, and other value contributors. Corporate advisors need to maintain their independence and objectivity, and should not produce share value reports (neither from themselves nor from another division/subsidiary within their group) ... else giving rise to serious conflicts of interest; as seen with the high-profile Enron and WorldCom liquidations, where advisors were from the same company (or group of companies) as the auditors.

  17. ShareVision is a very useful objective second opinion.

  18. ShareVision is completely different to share analysis and broker reports provided by stockbrokers and other investment brokers. ShareVision is a comprehensive advisory report (and not a broker report), to empower shareholders with a full picture above and beyond the conventional financial perspectives. Broker reports basically summarise market intelligence given BY the company, yet ShareVision provides market intelligence TO the client.

  19. ShareVision, provided by our PrivateGrowth partners, are 100% objective and unrestricted in their analysis (PrivateGrowth does not take any investment positions nor trading commissions on your company). ShareVision is focused on building your company, instead of speculative trading on whether your company will rise or fall.

  20. ShareVision provides an unbiased perspective of where your company is heading, and avoids your company being vulnerable to changes in global market conditions and investor preferences, often irrational and over-exuberant.

  21. Case studies show that companies who did not implement key recommendations of their ShareVision report, lost between 20% and 80% of their share price. Successful stories have seen share prices rise and sustain anywhere between 20% and 100% (and more). It all depends on how much a client is willing to look honestly within.

Our PrivateGrowth partners have advised major corporations (including stock exchange listed) and wealthy private clients worldwide (over us$120 billion) on a variety of critical economic and business performance issues ... protecting and growing their resources and sustainable core value. FSE Listings Inc does not only list firms onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, as in addition, our PrivateGrowth consortium provides valuable insight and research into the industries and companies we work with. This gives our clients improved share vision, resulting in higher share values, benefiting all the members and stakeholders your firm.

What can the ShareVision analysis and report do for your firm… ask CEO’s that have worked with ShareVision and our PrivateGrowth partners:

  • “This (ShareVision) surely is a needs must tool to assist the principals of a company to get an unbiased view - not effected by market trading - of their current situation allowing them to take appropriate decisions, at all times, to sustain and grow their business!”.
  • “Your circle is invaluable and should be compulsory for all executives of companies who genuinely want to take their business to the next level”
  • “We (major public company) found ShareVision very helpful and would like to use your services going forward”

  • CEO (multi-national firm) “Your services are very professional.”

The reality is, we have taken over 30 years of valuation and advisory services to large corporations, and facilitated billions of dollars in financing, as well as enabled a low cost entry level for new and current Frankfurt stock exchange Listings. Our PrivateGrowth partners have worked with almost all industries, including Banking, Insurance, Investment Management, Hotels & Leisure, Property, Energy, Construction, Commodities, Technology… just to name a few… as well as servicing Governments, Public Companies, and Private Firms.

Our ShareVision report is unlike any other service, and it doesn’t compete with a client’s current advisors or consultants, including consultants within the Go Public market. ShareVision compliments their services and recommends how to best take advantage by a 360 degree review of the firm. The scope is to independently and confidentially assess the shareholder wealth created by existing corporate advisors, management, and other value contributors into a bankable report. A client’s existing corporate advisors need to maintain their independence and objectivity, and thus they are not capable of preparing a 100% objective ShareVision report.

What if your firm doesn’t qualify, a major benefit of the report is to fine tune the business so it can qualify for financing. The FSE Listings and PrivateGrowth consortium is a full service global consulting firm specialising in listing companies, investor relations, public relations, mergers and acquisitions, financing and growth of public and private firms. For listing clients, we are able to package the world’s most complete list of services offered to companies looking to list, raise capital, and increase share value.

So…what do potential equity and bond funders really want to know about your firm? Key questions include details on:

  • Surplus/Deficit in Share Valuations of your company versus your company’s competitors.

  • Earnings margin sustainability, relative to your company’s competitors.

  • Trends in Resource Efficiency of your company, relative to your company’s competitors.

  • The underlying aspects of your company’s share value that general market professionals and consultants can’t or will not tell you (as they are not 100% objective and independent).

  • Paths to greater share valuations and prices, which will be the roadmap for growth milestones.

  • Key insights into competitive advantages and disadvantages.

  • Key Growth strategies, relative to your company’s competitors.

  • How your company plans to use new funds, and the effectiveness of your company’s acquisition strategy (and to what extent they create or destroy shareholder value).

  • Understanding your company’s true earnings potential and earnings margin pressures.

  • Understanding the 2 commonly overlooked financial ratios that affect your company’s earnings margins and price competitiveness.

Once a ShareVision report is completed, with recommendations on how to improve sustainable earnings and share growth, select portions of the report are released to the us$100 billion worldwide funding network, in order to maximize the probability of attracting investors and better finance terms.

Many firms will pay in access of 50,000 GBP to gain exposure to this us$100 billion funding network, however, we can gain access for firms who work through FSE Listings Inc for much less than half what the fortune 500 firms are charged, because you are valued client of FSE Listings.

To gain unprecedented value, 100% objective ShareVision advice, and exposure as a public company serious about taking their firm to the next level, simple contact FSE listings for our ShareVision and Investor Relations services.

If you are interested in a ShareVision process and promotion to our fund network of us$100 billion, contact us today and we will begin the orientation for free.

Contact us now, the leaders in listing firms and ShareVision consulting, to substantially increasing the share value of your firm! We guarantee our results!

Please be advised, ShareVision requires an intense analysis of a firm and its competitors, and may take a lead time of at least 30 days before it is released. If you are planning the ShareVision report for immediate exposure to our us$100 billion funding network, contact us to get the orientation started today. Email or call +1 914 613 3889

Friday 11 November 2011

Latvia: FSE Listings Inc launches new ShareVision Report for clients to be able to identify shareholder

FSE Listings Inc launches new ShareVision Report for clients to be able to identify shareholder
remuneration and gain interest from FSE’s $100 billion fund network and Roadshows!

This new service is applicable to Banks, Fortune 500 companies all the way to the common small business with cash flow.

FSE Listings Inc’s with a private growth professional consortium assist in the valuation and key services to FSE clients which want to gain exposure to a USD 100 Billion funding network in order to raise the profile of the companies. Our consortium consultants have advised clients valued at over $120 billion, providing key services as well as working closely with select high-net worth private clients.

FSE Listings Inc does not just list firms onto the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, our Private Growth consortium provides valuable insight and research into the industries and companies we work with to give share value and share vision for shared results to the members of your firm. In today’s economy, a financial audit is a 1 dimensional perspective of a firms potential performance. When we audit a firms performance, the value is in the Brand, the Business Growth and stages of development, the Directors and Management creativity or leadership, staff moral and motivation or productivity, the competition, and the bottomline.

What can the ShareVision analysis do for your firm, ask CEO’s that have worked with our partners:

“Your circle is invaluable and should be compulsory for all executives of companies who genuinely want to take their business to the next level”

“We (major public company) found ShareVision very helpful and would like to use your services going forward”

CEO (multi-national firm) “Your services are very professional.”

The ShareVision process is the most complete analysis available on the market of the internal share value of a company, and the most reliable report one can achieve for valuation of a firm and projections for finding funding and building the business. Sharevision works for existing public companies, the top 500 biggest firms in your Country to any public company in general. The reality is, we have taken over 30 years of valuations services to large corporations, utilized by Blue Chip firms for billions of dollars in financing and enabled a low cost entry level for new and current Frankfurt Listings to take advantage of. Our Private Growth partners have worked with Banks, Marinas, Hotels, Energy Companies, Construction firms, National Companies, Public Companies, and private firms.

Our report is unlike any other service, it doesn’t compete with current consultants within the Go Public market, it compliments their services and recommends how to best take advantage by a 360 degree review of the firm. The scope is to independently and confidentially assess the  shareholder wealth created by existing corporate advisors, management, and other value contributors into a bankable report. By recognizing how shareholder value directly affects renumeration, a strategy and direction can be put in place to guarantee insurable returns on investment and encourage a network of over $100 billion in funds to look at your business. What if your firm doesn’t qualify, the point of the report is to fine tune the business so it can qualify for financing or point out the strength’s where the firm does qualify and can take advantage of growth.

Corporate advisors need to maintain their independence and objectivity, they are not capable of preparing the true ShareVision report of which a firm such as our consortium is capable of.

Our objective second opinion is also a report that can be revised to encourage the public and your shareholders. In summary, our experts will assist with:
  • Valuing your company (true worth, not distorted by various market perceptions)
  • Increasing your company’s share value and share price
  • Increasing sustainable earnings
  • Increasing brand value
  • Providing greater performance flexibility for directors and management
  • Increasing staff moral, motivation, and productivity
  • Prioritizing projects, acquisitions, strategies by greatest increase in sustainable earnings and share price
  • Justifying benefits of additional or reduced loans, by assessing the optimal loan amount to leverage company performance and valuations (without destroying earnings sustainability, pricing competitiveness and company value. This may be leveraging the FSE Listings Bond services and other sources.
  • Attracting private equity funds by offering potential investors an independent assessment of company value and future earnings and share price performance
FSE Listings Inc is a full service global consulting firm specializing in listing companies, analyzing companies, public relations, mergers and acquisitions, financing, and growth of public and private firms.

If you are interested in a ShareVision process and promotion to our fund network of $100 billion, contact us today and we will begin the orientation for free.

Many firms will pay in access of 50,000 euro’s to gain exposure on the private growth network of over $100 billion in funds, however, we can gain access for firms who work through FSE Listings Inc for much less than half what the fortune 500 firms are charged because you are valued client of the FSE Listings.

Contact us today so we can assess if your firm qualifies for access to the Private Growth network and FSE Listings Consortium.

For listing clients, we have now been able to package the world’s most complete list of services offered to companies looking to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, raise capital, and increase share value:
  • Creation of the holding company
  • ShareVision Report
  • Creation of Corporate Bonds
  • Insurance of Corporate Bonds
  • Listing the Holding Company on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 3-6 weeks
  • Investor Relations and Press on major market websites in German and English
  • Financing within 60-90 days of listing for qualified firms
Contact, the leaders in listing firms and consulting for maximum share value of your
firm! We guarantee our results!

Thursday 27 October 2011

Canadian Stock Exchange Listings CNSX Listings versus Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE) Listings

The CNSX is roughly $100-$200k more expensive to list when including the broker sponsor. In addition, the yearly costs are $20-$30k more expensive on the CNSX than Frankfurt Listings.

To list on the CNSX it requires establishing a base of at least 200 investors. Although we can assist you to list on the CNSX, and possibly find you a sponsor such as Global Securities, to sponsor your firm, the costs are quite high. The broker sponsor alone is 25-50k CDN. The capital in cash with investors names needs to be over $200,000 and upwards of $300,000. Some firms can try to list you as your own underwriter, this saves you maybe 25k, but you will never trade without the sponsor broker... The funding options in Canada often come with something called a Broker Warrant. This often is something they get for helping bring in the 200 investors and after financing. However, they generally are used to a maximum of $200k to $500k, since they are accustomed to Venture Capital Pools (another way to list onto the TSX similar to the process mentioend above for the CNSX.) When they execute their options, and all of their 10 cent shareholders whom end up owning 20-30% of your firm for their $200k investment begin to sell with the first sign of movement in stock price, your stock could be taken to a penny. In addition, its difficult to do private placement rounds, those that do in Canada, often break the rules and get sanctioned for it. You need to report to SEDAR, if its mining you need the appropriate reports, and you will need to be auditted.

Listing on Frankfurt:
- no audit
- no reporting rules
- no insider trading rules
- no restrictions on insiders
If you have cashflow, a company can get 1-5 million euro fast in and it has no shares to sell related to it.
If its a start up company you can generally get $1-$10 million in private placements over a 12 month period, shares restriced for 12 months if you want to .

From the point of view of what FSE Listings Inc has to over, we can list firms in 3-6 weeks on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange from submission, we keep the costs to a minimum, 60k euro, and we can introduce up to 5 million euro first round financing for firms that qualify. The Frankfurt listing doesn’t have the on going costs of Audits, Legal opinions and bills, disclosures, filings, and reporting that the other exchanges have. Most exchanges are not making it easier for small businesses, their idea of quality companies are those that can pay large bills and yearly fees, there is no interest in quality small businesses on the other exchanges. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the most friendly market in the World for new businesses and existing businesses looking to raise capital.

In addition, once listed on the FSE, one can always dual list, cross list, or relist on the AIM, OTCBB, TSX,ASX, JSE, etc.

As a consultancy, FSE Listings Inc provides training to clients, coaches clients, and works with them for years not months. We are available for questions at +19146133889 or

FSE Listings Inc guarantees the success of your listing!

Thursday 13 October 2011

FSE Listings: Helping companies from Latvia by listing a UK Holding Company with Insured ROI for Investors! 5-50 million euro!

UK Frankfurt Listed Company with Bond Issuance

We have a structure which will allow your firm to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange utilizing a UK company, of which we then have the capacity to insure all investments going into the company in a Bond format, provided your asset and cashflow mechanisms can service the bonds or debt instruments.The structure can place from 5 million to 50 million euro depending on your companies qualifications and risk factors for the insurer. At the end of the day, your investment vehicle will be rated a double A rating giving investors guaranteed returns making it easier to raise capital for your venture.No one else can offer this to you, contact to see if you qualify today!!!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings (FSE Listings) Latvia: July Report To Clients and Companies Looking To Go Public

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings (FSE Listings) Latvia: July Report To Clients and Companies Looking To Go Public

New Frankfurt Listings

Within the month of July there have been 5 firms listed on the Entry Standard and 18 firms listed on the Open Market (Regulated Unofficial Market) at FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Frankfurt Stock Exchange).

FSE Listings Inc, remains the leading source of public listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with 3 Frankfurt Listings in the month of July and no delistings of clients during the month of July.

Frankfurt Delistings vs Frankfurt Listings

It has been clear that several firms who have not contracted FSE Listings Inc to build their structure before Frankfurt listing have suffered from delisting of their company due to market trading requirements and the loose structures of other going public firms and merger law groups. Several of the going public companies ask for shares when companies go public, these shares released into the open market damage the obligation of the company to make a market. If these shares cause the market makers liability for placing a bid and ask, without a liquid market, the firms that list you could in effect cause the delisting of your firm. It is important that you always consult with FSE Listings Inc before you issue any shares in your firm. Several clients of these fast track express listings Frankfurt law firms, merger law groups or associates of such listings firm have all faced delisting possibly as their structures did not meet the 10 cents euro requirement, 500,000 euro capital, and bid & ask requirement of 2,000 to maintain a market. More importantly, they have not been able to keep up an active market in the shares of their firms or raise capital! The lack of experience of the listing firms have caused several companies to delist, and we expect many more to follow if they have not been listed by FSE Listings Inc or who have not taken explicit advice of FSE Listings and the market maker.

If you are an already listed firm and are afraid of delisting, please contact and we may be able to consult with your firm. Your listing is important to us. If you are thinking of listing, the only place you should go to is

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings with FSE Listings

The number one firm to use for listing foreign companies from the UK, Australia, Canada, the US, Russia, China, Thailand, New Zealand, Spain, France, Italy, South Africa, and elsewhere is still FSE Listings Inc run by Mark Bragg, Robert Russell, Charles Van Musscher, Brad McCarthy, Ryan Gibson, Llew Watkins, and many others who are part of the consortium globally! With over 1,000 companies listed on public exchanges and several billion in financing, the consortium’s connections to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange market makers and financing firms help clients achieve their goals and list efficiently and affordably. Contact and send your company name, contact information, and website for us to review for a free consultation.

FSE Listings Now!

Friday 15 July 2011

FSE Listings Latvia: Financial Services Industry IPOs and Listings on Frankfurt Topping the Charts

Financial Services Industry IPOs and Listings on Frankfurt Topping the Charts

The financial services industry has been successfully listing, financing, and building companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for several years, as one of the most popular sectors in the Market. This month, Prime Office Reit AG listed, along with Ban Corp Holdings PLC. ADC African Development Corporation and African Opportunities Investment Capital Limited reflect the growing penetration of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange into South Africa's financial markets, and Africa in general in the diversified financial sector. Challenging the Johannesburg Stock Exchange hold on African companies as they seek effective ways of gaining foreign investment from Germany and abroad. There have been several firms in addition listing in the financial services sector in Real Estate, Reits, Diversified Financial sectors, Private Equity and Venture Capital.

If you run a financial services company looking to list on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange contact FSE Listings, We guarantee listing of your firm, we list firms in 3-6 weeks, we are the leading listing company of foreign companies.

Here is a comprehensive list of Financial Sector Companies on the Regulated Market:

Company Symbol
  • Prime Office REIT-AG PMO
  • ADC African Development Corporation GmbH & Co. KGaA AZC
  • GSW Immobilien AG GIB
  • JK Wohnbau AG JWB
  • European CleanTech 1 SE ECT
  • Helikos SE HIT
  • IFM Immobilien AG IFM
  • Franconofurt AG FFM
  • Fair Value REIT-AG FVI
  • ORCO Germany S.A. O5G
  • FranconoWest AG 4FR
  • MAGNAT Real Estate AG M5R
  • Hypoport AG HYQ
  • Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA L3V
  • Eurocastle Investment Limited EUI1
  • DF Deutsche Forfait AG DE6
  • alstria office REIT-AG AOX
  • POLIS Immobilien AG PQL
  • ARISTON Real Estate AG A3E
  • Princess Private Equity Holding Limited PEY1
  • C-QUADRAT Investment AG C8I
  • FranconoRheinMain AG F7R
  • HAHN-Immobilien-Beteiligungs AG H4I
  • GWB Immobilien AG G7B
  • Lang & Schwarz Wertpapierhandelsbank AG LUS
  • OVB Holding AG O4B
  • Deutsche Wohnen AG DWNI
  • DIC Asset AG DAZ
  • Dresdner Factoring AG D2F
  • PATRIZIA Immobilien AG P1Z
  • Hesse Newman Capital AG RTM
  • Lloyd Fonds Aktiengesellschaft L1O
  • HCI Capital AG HXCI
  • Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA HPB
  • Deutsche Postbank AG DPB
  • Hypo Real Estate Holding AG HRX
  • AIRE GmbH & Co. KGaA ARE
  • Aareal Bank AG ARL
  • TIG Themis Industries Group GmbH & Co. KGaA VCO
  • UNIPROF Real Estate Holding AG UPR
  • Vivacon AG VIA
  • SM Wirtschaftsberatungs AG SMW
  • Deutsche Börse AG DB1
  • Deutsche EuroShop AG DEQ
  • TAG Immobilien AG TEG
  • Maier + Partner AG MPR
  • AWD Holding AG AWD
  • MPC Münchmeyer Petersen Capital AG MPC
  • IVG Deutschland Immobilien AG SDK
  • F.A.M.E. AG FAM
  • Metis Capital Ltd. EIC
  • MCC Global N.V. IFQ
  • Allgeier Holding AG AEI
  • Sparta AG SPT
  • comdirect bank AG COM
  • Fortune Management Inc. FMI1
  • DAB bank AG DRN
  • Deutsche Real Estate AG DRE2
  • Corporate Equity Partners AG FAN
  • Cash Medien AG MF8
  • Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG WUW
  • SCHNIGGE Wertpapierhandelsbank AG SHB2
  • Hypo Real Estate Bank AG
  • Private Value AG BLN
  • bmp media investors AG BTBA
  • Gontard & MetallBank AG GMB
  • German Brokers Aktiengesellschaft i.I. GEB
  • mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG MWB
  • Vestcorp AG TFG
  • Fritz Nols Global Equity Services AG FNG
  • LINTEC Information Technologies AG LIC
  • Capital Stage AG CAP
  • Bau-Verein zu Hamburg AG BVH
  • Concord Investmentbank AG CEF
  • Greenwich Beteiligungen AG
  • INDUS Holding AG INH
  • RSE Grundbesitz und Beteiligungs-AG
Open Unregulated Market Financial Services
  • Cuba Development & Investment PLC OW1
  • Global Capital & Financial Corp. 017B
  • REXTON Hotel & Property Group Ltd. 9RX
  • Minerva Capital AG MC0
  • 3A Finance PLC 3AM
  • Investment Engine Ltd. 06H
  • African Opportunities Invest Capital Ltd. 7FA
  • AAIC Bullion Refineries Group Ltd 1AB
  • Smart Ventures Inc. SVM
  • Awesome Investments Inc.
  • IRAQ Capital AG 2IC
  • Cinco Investments PLC 1CC
  • Nitro Capital Partners Inc. NBT
  • AutoBank AG AW2
  • Occopirn Capital SE OC3
  • Baltic Finance PLC 8WM
  • Knowledge Capital Ltd. G3Q
  • Capitol W.B.C. PLC 8WB
  • Potrimpos Capital SE POE
  • Madison Property AG MPD
  • Firmitas Capital Inc. 1FC
  • Acropolis Finance Inc. APF
  • Euro Asia Premier Real Estate Company Limited JT9
  • Apollo Capital Group Inc. 7A8
  • Sapphire Capital PLC SH2
  • Helvetia Asset Management AG H92
  • CR Capital Real Estate AG CRZ
  • London Hong Kong Exchange PLC LKC
  • LHKX Capital AG S28
  • EPG [Engineered nanoProducts Germany] AG Q9Z
  • First Trend-Management AG FTJN
  • Advanced Equity Financing AG FJ9
  • Blue Sky Resorts Inc. MF7
  • Proserv Capital PLC PVPB
  • Klima Investment GmbH & Co. KGaA T1F
  • World Markets AG 4WM
  • GFKL Financial Services AG GFS1
  • Essential Invest GmbH & Co. KGaA ES3
  • Aerfinance PLC 3LV
  • Indenture Investments Ltd. 3IV
  • Corporate Bourse PLC 3OW
  • EcoInvest Holding N.V. 5EI
  • Cleantech Invest AG 4CT
  • Seabed Invest AG 4SB
  • CB Retail Investment Public Ltd. 5CBA
  • IQ Investment AG 5IQ
  • AsiaPac Capital Services Inc. 5AP
  • Bionano Ventures AG 49B
  • Boralis Invest AG 3BI
  • Emerald Capital Group Corp. 3EM
  • Campus Investments PLC LUC
  • TKS Real Estate PLC 37W1
  • Matador Private Equity AG MT4
  • Finanzkontor Zürich AG DV81
  • TMM Real Estate Development PLC TR61
  • Grüezi Real Estate AG GRP
  • Bioenergy Capital AG BIY
  • Capella Capital N.V. CLI
  • InCity Immobilien AG IC8
  • Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG VG8
  • Fidor Bank AG F5R
  • Best Investment Co. Inc. BN4
  • Capital Communication AG B7N
  • CONET Technologies AG CT71
  • LongLife Ventures AG LG7
  • Altira Aktiengesellschaft A7A
  • Franca Equity AG WJB
  • Sherbrooke Equity AG S59
  • ARTEMIS Global Capital SE AC6
  • MAX21 Management und Beteiligungen AG MA1
  • Corona Equity Partner AG CY1
  • Palladius AG P8L
  • GoingPublic Media AG G6P
  • SEE Real Estate AG SR8
  • CdC Capital AG CDZ
  • Minaya Capital AG M7C
  • CWI Real Estate AG CW6
  • quirin bank AG QB7
  • Mercurius AG CF1
  • Francono Rhein-Main AG F7R
  • DATAGROUP IT Services Holding AG D6H
  • API Invest & Finanz AG APJ
  • Eastern European Venture Group Inc.
  • ARIMA Real Estate AG R2E
  • Black Box Capital AG B5B
  • MAGNAT Real Estate Opportunities GmbH & Co. KGaA M5R
  • Prior Capital AG P1C
  • EquityStory AG E1S
  • Dubai Oasis Capital AG D9O
  • Hamburgische Immobilien und Energie Invest AG H1I
  • EXchange Investors N.V. E8O
  • Lead Invest Inc. L4I
  • wallstreet:online AG WSO
  • BAVARIA Industriekapital AG B8A
  • wallstreet:online capital AG WO8
  • Babylon Capital AG B5C
  • informica real invest AG IDE
The Benefits are clear:
  • raise money
  • gain exposure
  • get international attention versus just the retail interest of your local market
  • increase the value of your assets and business which were otherwise illiquid
  • build a structure of which you can grow, use shares to acquire assets, and build a successful enterprise
The Process of Success by FSE Listings Inc:
  1. Listing your company only costs 60,000 euro to a maximum of 120,000 euro including IR campaigns for 1 year (not three months)
  2. You own 100% of the company when you list yourself
  3. If you can’t afford 60,000 euro, you should not be considering going public as you will not be able to afford staying public. Why build a company for everyone else to profit from, holding you hostage because you simply couldn’t afford 60k euro. The long term it will cost you time, money, reputation, and your company.
If you can raise your own capital of 60,000 euro to go public, you get the funds from the money raising on the stock market, you keep control of your business, you can get more money per share value because you will have a stable market!

You don’t know how to best raise money for your firm?

FSE Listings Inc has one of the best systems for training companies how to raise the initial start-up capital for their firm. As professionals in the field for over 30 years, we can build your structure, documents, and make pre-public financing commitments that do not ask for a % of your firm, but simply use common business sense for businesses looking for venture capital.

FSE Listings Inc is run by Robert Russell and Mark Bragg. FSE Listings Inc is the only firm that lists companies on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that has a reputation for its honesty in dealings, disclosing the positives and negatives of any one deal, and finding the best financing options for your firm.

Contact FSE Listings at or call +442032867779 to have us best advise you on listing your firm and going public.

If you want to list your firm, please include:
  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Amount of Capital invested to date
  • Amount of Capital required
  • Reasons for wanting to list
  • Description of Business
  • Website if available

Wednesday 22 June 2011

FSE Listings Inc is proud to announce the addition of Llew Watkins and Watkins World Wide LLC to the company’s family of partners and global affiliations for listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Latvia.

June 15th 2011

FSE Listings Inc is proud to announce the addition of Llew Watkins and Watkins World Wide LLC to the company’s family of partners and global affiliations for listing firms on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The distribution agreement and affiliated website and allow for Watkins World Wide to represent our services within the United States and globally, excluding regions designated to other partners exclusively.

“Upon discussions with Mr. Watkins, we came to many of the same conclusions, that several of the listing firms try to go around their partners or don’t complete promises, we excel in meeting client commitments and have put our best foot forward will Llew, in addition, Llew has shown that he is a great committed candidate to every client he has introduced. It is a proud moment for FSE Listings Inc to have him and his firm as part of our team in the US.” Robert Russell, FSE Listings Inc

About Llew Watkins
In 2006 Watkins WorldWide, LLC was founded, which provides private and public business planning and consulting services for its corporate clientele seeking capital and equity financing through a public offering and exchange listings. Llewellyn R. Watkins has owned, funded, operated private and public several companies in the mining, technology and manufacturing sectors and is a leader in the field of business consulting for private companies seeking capital and listing on major domestic and international exchanges ( OTCBB, FrankFurt, TSX, HKE ) and has been involved in over 500 transactions.

About FSE Listings Inc
Why Use FSE Listings Inc to List on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange The FSE Listings Inc Group is the leading listing firm for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange listings and the recognized leader bar-none over any other firm for non-German Companies. With offices in Spain, UK, South Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the USA, Netherlands, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Mozambique, and Ireland. Many firms have in-house law firms, which increase your cost of listing and hender your process, FSE Listings Inc utilizes the best and quickest law firms, listing partners, designated sponsors, and local service providers. By going with our firm, you get all of the best professionals as a one-stop service agreement. , and

Thursday 26 May 2011

FSE Listings Latvia: Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Packages Brochure

Please review the new Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings packages for people looking to go public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

FSE Listings Package

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Wind Turbine Financing in Latvia and Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange with FSE Listings Inc’s Robert Russell

Wind turbine financing and listing your firm on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange to raise capital to install and develop a wind farm takes considerable funds. $100 million financings are available on markets like the Frankfurt Stock Exchange up to $1 billion through FSE Listings Inc’s proprietary partnerships and documentation for listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, financing on the FSE, roadshows in Germany, Switzerland, and abroad for FSE Listings Financing, and networking amongst the energy financing companies and clients whom may be interested.
Going public is a great way to finance a wind energy turbine project, in addition, companies can get stand by equity lines of credit to prove cash-flow to the manufacturer once the company is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. This kind of financing is economical and practical, and can be from $1 million to $1 billion.
Frankfurt Stock Exchange listings are one of the most practical methods for financing your wind energy project today.
Contact FSE Listings at or call +442032867779
If you want to list your firm, please include:
  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Amount of Capital invested to date
  • Amount of Capital required
  • Reasons for wanting to list
  • Description of Business
  • Website if available
Robert Russell: FSE Listings Specialist

Friday 15 April 2011

Latvia: Listing firms from this country on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange requires the establishment of either a subsidiary to list the assets of the firm or a holding company within Europe

Latvia: Listing firms from this country on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange requires the establishment of either a subsidiary to list the assets of the firm or a holding company within Europe. The structure and process takes 3-6 weeks to list the firm. Financing can be organized up to $500 million for the right projects via Investments in the following sectors are common: minimal; amber, peat, limestone, dolomite, hydropower, arable land
There are several assets often listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange that were once listed in existing ASX listed, TSX listed, AIM Listed and or US OTCBB and NASDAQ firms. These assets can be acquired within a European Holding company and listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in 3-6 weeks. In addition, with the success of our Equity Line of Credit products, we are capable of financing your firm $1 million to $500 million. Contact us for the financing and listing packages.
*All financings are offered through Deutsche Capital Partners A.G., a Belize incorporated firm specializing in carrying on the business of a finance and investment company and for that purpose to acquire and hold either in the name of the Company or in that of any nominee, shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, scrip, bonds, notes, obligations, investments and securities and warrants or options in respect of any shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, scrip, bonds, notes, obligations, investments or securities; to acquire such shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, scrip, bonds, notes, obligations, investments or securities or warrants or options therein by original subscription, contract, tender, purchase, exchange, underwriting, participation in syndicates or otherwise, and whether or not fully paid up, and to subscribe for the same subject to such terms and conditions (if any) as may be thought appropriate; to carry on business as capitalists, financiers, concessionaires and merchants and to undertake and carry on and execute any other business which may seem to be capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with any of these objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or facilitate the realization of, or render profitable, any of the Company’s property or rights; to carry on the business of a property investment and holding company and for that purpose to purchase, take on lease, or in exchange, or otherwise acquire, hold, undertake, or direct the management of work, develop the resources of, and turn to account any estates, lands, buildings, tenements, and other real property and property of every description, whether of freehold, leasehold, or other tenure, and wheresoever situate, and any interests therein, rights and powers conferred by, or incident to, the ownership of any such property; to acquire, trade and deal with, or hold stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, scrip, investments and securities of all kinds issued in any country in any part of the world.
If you are looking for financing options between $1 million and $500 million, contact and ask about the Deutsche Capital Partner listing and financing packages.